FEATURED IN: ausbiz interview – why investors favour private credit over listed real estate

15 July 2024

Australia’s real estate private credit market has grown substantially since the global financial crisis due to regulatory changes which required banks to adopt more conservative lending practices, resulting in a shift towards alternative financiers for real estate private credit. Private credit is an asset class that has come of age, with Preqin forecasting assets under management in global private debt funds to reach US$2.8tn by the end of 2028, which is almost double from US$1.5tn in 2022.

Today on ausbiz, Andrew Schwartz our Group Managing Director shared his views with Nadine Blayney on why borrowers seek funding from alternative financiers such as Qualitas (spoiler: it’s not because they are a lender of last resort) and why investors are shifting their focus from real estate equity to real estate credit.



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