NEWS: BondAdviser upgrades QRI to Recommended
21 December 2022
We’re pleased to announce that the Qualitas Real Estate Income Fund (ASX:QRI) has received an upgraded rating from BondAdviser to ‘Recommended’.
BondAdviser highlighted:
“QRI’s portfolio risk management has been enhanced by: more frequent loan reviews following the onset of COVID-19 in 2020; the move to weekly NAV reporting from June 2020; and the implementation of an in-house developed internal risk grading model / methodology in June 2021. The Qualitas Risk Grading Model has now been applied to all portfolio investments.
We have reviewed this model [Risk Grading Model] and internal credit papers and view them to be in-excess of market standard in terms of depth of diligence.”
“The Australian CRE debt market is a growing space with attractive opportunities, as banks have progressively retreated from this segment as a result of greater regulatory capital requirements. Investing in such a highly specialised area of the private debt market also brings unique risks, so specialist expertise is required to operate successfully in this market. Consequently, manager selection is an important consideration for investors.”
This communication has been issued and authorised for release by The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited (ACN 003 278 831) (AFSL 235150) as responsible entity of The Qualitas Real Estate Income Fund (ARSN 627 917 971) (“Trust”) and has been prepared by QRI Manager Pty Ltd (ACN 625 857 070) (AFS Representative 1266996 as authorised representative of Qualitas Securities Pty Ltd (ACN 136 451 128) (AFSL 34224)).
This communication contains general information only and does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or needs. It does not constitute financial, tax or legal advice, nor is it an offer, invitation or recommendation to subscribe or purchase a unit in QRI or any other financial product. Before making an investment decision, you should consider whether the Trust is appropriate given your objectives, financial situation or needs. If you require advice that takes into account your personal circumstances, you should consult a licensed or authorised financial adviser.
While every effort has been made to ensure the information in this communication is accurate; its accuracy, reliability or completeness is not guaranteed and none of The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited (ACN 003 278 831), QRI Manager Pty Ltd (ACN 625 857 070), Qualitas Securities Pty Ltd (ACN 136 451 128) or any of their related entities or their respective directors or officers are liable to you in respect of this communication. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
The Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) and a target market determination for units in the Trust can be obtained by visiting the Trust website www.qualitas.com.au/qri. The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited as responsible entity of the Trust is the issuer of units in the Trust. A person should consider the PDS in deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, units in the Trust.
BondAdviser has acted on information provided to it and our research is subject to change based on legal offering documents. This research is for informational purposes only. This information discusses general market activity, industry or sector trends, or other broad-based economic, market or political conditions and should not be construed as research or investment advice.
The content of this report is not intended to provide financial product advice and must not be relied upon or construed as such. The statements and/or recommendations contained in this report are our opinions only. We do not express any opinion on the future or expected value of any Security and do not explicitly or implicitly recommend or suggest an investment strategy of any kind. BondAdviser is paid a licensing fee from the manager and/or its distribution partner. BondAdviser Asset Management may hold units in the security.
This report has been prepared based on available data to which we have access. Neither the accuracy of that data nor the research methodology used to produce the report can be guaranteed or warranted. Some of the research used to create the content is based on past performance. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that any opinion or recommendation contained in the report is based on reasonable grounds. The data generated by the research is based on methodology that has limitations; and some of the information in the reports is based on information from third parties.
We do not therefore guarantee the currency of the report. If you would like to assess the currency, you should compare the report with more recent characteristics and performance of the assets mentioned within it. You acknowledge that investment can give rise to substantial risk and a product mentioned in the reports may not be suitable to you.
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