FEATURED IN: The Astute Investor podcast

7 August 2024

Andrew Schwartz, Group Managing Director and Co-Founder was a guest on the latest episode of LGT Crestone’s The Astute Investor podcast, where he shared his insights from four decades of experience in the Australian commercial real market – including Australia’s current housing shortage, the boom in private credit, and where he thinks the opportunities will be over the next year or so.

“I started the firm some 16 years ago and have been dealing in debt capital for almost 40 years and espousing the virtues of private credit, but it does feel like in the last three months its really come alive and it’s the flavour of the time that we are in and the understanding of it has gone up. We’ve seen a lot of new players come into the market and one thing that concerns me is that everyone thinks this is easy…”

With the boom in private credit widely broadcast, Andrew shared his views on what investors need to look out for when selecting quality loans and quality managers, including:

  • The actual experience of the individuals behind the investment manager.
  • Ability to work through cycles and what happens if they get into a degree of difficulty.
  • Ability to manage assets and their equity type skills they can leverage.
  • Understanding the structure of the fund you’re investing in and who investing alongside and is there an asset/liability mismatch.
  • What is the fund investing in and what is the risk profile.


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