MEDIA RELEASE: Fiona Reynolds to Chair Qualitas ESG Advisory Group
13 February 2023
Qualitas Limited (ASX: QAL) one of Australia’s leading alternative real estate investment managers, has announced the appointment of Fiona Reynolds as Chair of the Qualitas ESG Advisory Group.
Ms Reynolds was formerly Chief Executive of the Principles for Responsible Investment between 2012 and 2021, an UN-supported network of investors representing USD 121 trillion in assets under management and is currently Chair of the UN Global Compact Network Australia which seeks to mobilise Australia’s leading businesses to create a sustainable future.
Andrew Schwartz, Qualitas Group Managing Director and Co-Founder, said the Qualitas ESG Advisory Group has been established to help shape ESG best practice within the firm, identify and report progress against objectives and advise how Qualitas can leverage its strengths to influence positive ESG outcomes with borrowers and partners.
“It is difficult to think of anyone in Australia whose expertise in sustainable investment is as deep as that of Fiona. Having worked as part of some of the most significant international bodies in ESG and responsible investing, Fiona will play an invaluable role in helping us establish our ESG charter and ensuring it is a fundamental pillar of our business. Our focus is on how we can maximise ESG impact in a meaningful way at both the corporate level and via our funds,” said Mr Schwartz.
Ms Reynolds said: “Commercial real estate is a key lever for achieving better environmental, social and governance outcomes for societies around the world and awareness among investors about the importance of sustainability in this asset class is very strong. I am delighted to be working with Qualitas at this exciting phase of their ESG growth journey.”
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For further information, please contact:
Kate Stokes, Head of Marketing and Communications
M: 0481 251 552
E: kate.stokes@qualitas.com.au
About Qualitas
Qualitas Limited (Qualitas) is an ASX-listed Australian alternative real estate investment manager with A$5.3 billion1 of committed funds under management.
Qualitas matches global capital with access to attractive risk adjusted investments in real estate private credit and real estate private equity through a range of investment solutions for institutional and retail clients. Qualitas offers flexible capital solutions for its partners, and creating long-term value for shareholders, and the communities in which it operates.
For 14 years Qualitas has been investing through market cycles to finance assets with a combined value of over A$17 billion1 across all real estate sectors. Qualitas focuses on real estate private credit, opportunistic real estate private equity, income producing commercial real estate and build-to-rent residential. The broad platform, complementary debt and equity investing skillset, deep industry knowledge, long-term partnerships, and diverse and inclusive team of more than 70 professionals provides a unique offering in the market to accelerate business growth and drive performance for shareholders. www.qualitas.com.au
1. As of 30 September 2022
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