NEWS: Qualitas builds its defensive and inflation resilient strategy

25 June 2024

At Qualitas, we are focused on finding deep relative value through market cycles, including building a defensive inflation responsive portfolio which seeks to provide income to investors through our Equity investment strategies.

The Qualitas Diversified Real Estate Fund, launched in December 2021, seeks to own real estate that is tenanted by businesses providing essential services to the Australian economy or where the real estate is vital to the tenant’s operations. Through owning the underlying core operating assets of these Australian businesses, the fund can provide long term defensive and inflation resilient cash flows which is often a strategy that is underappreciated by traditional core real estate investors.

An asset that is illustrative of this strategy is the acquisition of a cold storage logistics building tenanted by a food supply business, which was purchased in a time of dislocation at an attractive entry price due to having available liquidity.

We have conviction that acquiring assets of this profile now represents compelling value for investors.




This communication has been prepared by Qualitas Securities Pty Ltd (ACN 136 451 128) (Qualitas Securities), holder of Australian Financial Services Licence number 342242. Qualitas Securities and its related bodies corporate and affiliates constitute the Qualitas group (Qualitas).

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