NEWS: Qualitas launches first Reconciliation Action Plan
12 July 2023
We are proud to launch Qualitas’ first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our Reflect RAP marks the beginning of our journey to create meaningful change, putting our words to action to advance reconciliation and drive towards a better Australia that is inclusive of all Australians.
The RAP represents an opportunity for us as a business to reflect upon what reconciliation means as well as the opportunity that we have to create a different, diverse, and united future.
Thank you to the RAP working group including Kristal Kinsela, our First Nations RAP working group consultant, for their efforts in implementing and committing to Qualitas’ reconciliation journey. Thank you also to the talented Alysha Menzel for bringing our vision for a ‘Journey of Growth’ to life and designing our RAP document. The artwork depicts the beginning of our reconciliation journey and our potential for future growth as Qualitas establishes a deeper understanding of our spheres of influence and opportunities to create and nurture meaningful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their land.
We are committed to a workplace that is safe, inclusive and supportive of all individuals. Everyone who works at Qualitas has a role to play in realising the importance of reconciliation, understanding the impact they can make and acting on this to achieve positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Together let’s continue to strive for a more equitable and reconciled future.
Access our RAP: https://www.qualitas.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Qualitas-Reflect-Reconciliation-Action-Plan_web.pdf
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